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September 2017 - A Month in Review

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Leaves change colors and trees show us the beauty of letting go that which must be let go. There will be cold months ahead, but with all endings come new beginnings. The cycle of life repeats... at least until the entropy of the universe overtakes. Another month at endev42 comes to an end and we again repeat the cycle. If you missed our updates, please check them out below.

September Blog Posts

Because of the large number of blog posts this month, we didn't have the chance to post as many news articles. However, the ones we did post can be found below.

News Articles

This month's randomly selected survey winner was from Mongolia. Below is the winning response to the question "What is the meaning of life?"

1. Be happy 2. Help others be happy

For the month of October, we are continuing the $100 Amazon gift card option for those within the USA, with the additional option available for everyone (including those not in the USA), a Bonnie Mohr 20x24 Framed Art Picture.

With that said, hope you enjoyed the site. Make sure to subscribe, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

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