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Leo Braudy

Date of Birth: June 11, 1941

Date Submitted: September 3, 2024

Religious Affiliation: No response

What is the meaning of life?

There is no such thing as “The meaning of life” or there are an infinite number of meanings, for everyone who lives now or who has ever lived. Any single meaning is inadequate to account for myriad ways each individual makes their own meaning, without naming it, just doing it. Wondering what’s the meaning of life is the preoccupation of the young person first discovering abstract thinking, or the older person in a personal crisis. It’s the more secular equivalent of wondering what is God’s plan, a wondering whether there is a God, and if so, does that being have a plan, or, does that being just not care. To be comfortable with life not having any specific meaning allows us to let many meanings flourish, dissipate, and reform in a multitude of shapes.

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