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Rocky Krsnich

Date of Birth: August 5, 1927

Date Submitted: December 31, 2018

Religious Affiliation: Affiliation: Atheist! Humanist.

What is the meaning of life?

Read what these people said about life!


George Orwell

Louis Lapham

Tom Paine

Bertrand Russell

Steve Allen

Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza

Mickey Cochrane

Kathryn Hepburn


Bernard Shaw

Clyde Hart

Woody Allen

Zero Mostel


Henny Youngman

Frank Kafka

Mel Brooks

Anne Bankroft

Thomas Mann

James Joyce

Jelly Roll Morton

Duke Ellington

Roy Palmer

J.D. Salinger

Barney Frank

Johnathan Winters

Same Mele

Abe Lincoln

Abe Harrison

Barack Obama

John F. Kenney & Bobby K.

Billie Holiday

Bessie Smith

John Bubbles + Buck Washington

Martin L. King

Paul Blanchat

Eleanor Roosevelt

Edward R. Murrow

Dorthy Day


Studs Terkle

George Gershwin

Edward Hopper

Groucho Marx


Ralph Volke

Bobby Seale

George Sagorac

Fransisco Goya

Alex Garbowski

Dave Koshers

Bill Smith

Smiley Overby

James Michener

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