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Raymond Berry

Date of Birth: February 27, 1933

Date Submitted: May 22, 2017

Religious Affiliation: Christian

What is the meaning of life?

There is a scripture in the Bible that says: “I only want to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus assigned to me.”  As Christians that’s clear enough.  As a Christian I was assigned to the football world—first as a player then as a coach.  My current assignment is to answer each letter I got sharing the good news about Jesus.  I failed to finish the above scripture… it closes with “...of bearing my testimony to the gospel of God is grace”.  To further define grace, he did it all for us on the cross—all we do is accept it and say “thanks”.  What was his motivation?  John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”  Love was his motivation.  To further define grace (Ephesians 2:8-9): “For by Grace are you saved through faith.  It is not of yourself.  It is the free gift of God.. not because of works less any man should boast.”  Obviously, all this is good news!

* Love.. forgiveness.. eternal security.. knowing him now.. open communication line.

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