endev42 - documenting the meaning of life
Gerry Faust
Date of Birth: May 21, 1935
Date Submitted: July 7, 2018
Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic
What is the meaning of life?
Life has been given to us by our creator. We have been given life to honor, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God the Son, Jesus was born for us to know and love Him. His Mother Mary, is with Jesus in Heaven. It is our obligation to help all people, thru prayer, our time, our talent and our treasures. This is our mission. Our wold needs to get back to loving and honoring the Good Lord.
When I see people who are less fortunate, I try to be kind to them and help them if I can. Prayer is so important in life, as is your family. Thru prayer and love to our family members, it brings happiness to you and your family.
All of us need to help and be forgiving, loving everyone thru prayer and generosity. God wants all of us to be with Him in Heaven. It should be our goal to reach Heaven by helping others in life and the world would be a better place for all and our life will continue in Heaven after the Good Lord ends life here on earth.