endev42 - documenting the meaning of life
Dan Sullivan
Date of Birth: September 1, 1939
Date Submitted: February 6, 2019
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
What is the meaning of life?
Life is a precious gift given to all who are born, regardless of Christian affiliation, into this world. Everyone starts off this journey much the same, some are born into wealth but the majority are born into middle/lower class and some are born with disabilities. No matter where you fit in the spectrum you have at your disposal the chance to move your life in the most favorable direction you choose with the help of your parents and friends. It is not easy and there will be bumps along the way for all and if you work at it your life can be the most rewarding gift you will ever receive.
So life is what you make of it while enjoying all that is available and worth pursuing. Look at life as opportunities that never end.