endev42 - documenting the meaning of life
Evelyn Brown
Date of Birth: March 2, 1919
Date Submitted: March 19, 2019
Religious Affiliation: Congregational
What is the meaning of life?
To have compassion, caring, grace—look for knowledge, love and accept the unhappy events along the way. Being alive brings why, awe and thankfulness for all the joy I have had with a great ‘late’ husband, children, grand & great grand children. The children are all college graduates and doing well. I am so proud of them.
My slogan is “do not stop what you are doing” I live alone in my house, love cooking meals and spend 4-5 hours a day sewing on baby and large quilts. All sewn by machine. I give quite a few away or sell them for charity giving.
All in all I am thankful for all the good Lord has given me.
It's almost April and I will set up the little green I have in my dining room to plant tomato and zinnia seeds to replant.
Thank you for asking me to do this.